A small country with a massive heart

El Salvador

El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America. Between the late 70’s and early 90’s, the country was ravaged by a civil war which devastated it on a political and economic level. Hurricane Mitch followed in 1998, before a massive earthquake in 2001. It’s clear to see that El Salvador has had more than its fair share of bad luck.

Despite this, and in spite of the high-levels of gang crime, social inequality and inevitable faltering economic growth, El Salvador has a lot to be proud of. Although it is the only Central American country to not have a Caribbean coast, Salvadorians will point out that there is still plenty to see in their tiny country.

Many will regard the gorgeous volcano and crater lake of Volcan Santa Ana as the nation’s crown jewel. But beyond that, there are the volcanic surf beaches of El Tunco, the Mayan ruins of Tazumal, the capital’s stunning church of El Rosario and of course, the gorgeous, little villages along the Ruta de la Flores. All in all, not too shabby for a country roughly one twentieth of the size of California.